DLH5822 | 5822 > A.I.
Lufthansa / Captain
vor 10 Stunden
817h 27m
-116 ft/min
0h 36m
125 nm
171,089 nm
3,274 lbs
867,709 lbs
Gestartet: 70
Beendet: 34
Helitour V.1
5Jahre FSCloud.VA
7.Jahre FSCloudva
Propday V40
0h 43m
187 nm
3,385 lbs
-142 ft/min

4h 50m
25h 35m
21h 13m
1,186 nm
7,184 nm
5,916 nm
14,352 lbs
134,320 lbs
130,273 lbs
-122 ft/min
-142 ft/min
-158 ft/min
Flug Nr. Herkunft Zielflugplatz Flugzeug Blockzeit Verbrauchter Treibstoff Eingereicht
DLH 42395 LSZA LSPV 54 (C172) 00:37 75 lbs vor 10 Stunden | 07.Sep
DLH 53942 LGKO LGPL 54 (C172) 00:26 89 lbs vor 13 Stunden | 07.Sep
DLH 39242 NZKK NZGB 54 (C172) 00:27 444 lbs vor 20 Stunden | 07.Sep
DLH 15455 KORD KSTL 127 (A320) 00:45 4,689 lbs vor 4 Tagen | 03.Sep
DLH 465 CYVR KPDX 120 (AIRL) 00:50 1,165 lbs vor 5 Tagen | 02.Sep
DLH 24974 PAKT CYVR 124 (AIRB) 01:19 7,816 lbs vor 6 Tagen | 01.Sep
DLH 35793 LGRP LGKO 54 (C172) 00:26 74 lbs vor 6 Tagen | 01.Sep
DLH 57016 KMFR KOTH 54 (C172) 00:26 390 lbs vor 1 Woche | 31.Aug
DLH 31257 SBCF SBFL 124 (AIRB) 01:41 8,945 lbs vor 1 Woche | 31.Aug
DLH 59638 EDJA LSZH 133 (TBM) 00:31 201 lbs vor 1 Woche | 31.Aug
DLH 53941 LGKP LGRP 54 (C172) 00:32 91 lbs vor 1 Woche | 31.Aug
DLH 57015 KLMT KMFR 54 (C172) 00:17 115 lbs vor 1 Woche | 30.Aug
DLH 31680 KMSP KORD 124 (AIRB) 00:55 5,238 lbs vor 1 Woche | 29.Aug
DLH 34994 EDDV EDDF 124 (AIRB) 00:32 3,761 lbs vor 1 Woche | 28.Aug
DLH 10927 EDDM EDDV 124 (AIRB) 00:48 4,630 lbs vor 1 Woche | 26.Aug
DLH 57014 KSIY KLMT 54 (C172) 00:16 97 lbs vor 1 Woche | 26.Aug
DLH 9703 MMMY MMGL 127 (A320) 01:07 6,350 lbs vor 1 Woche | 26.Aug
DLH 57013 KCEC KSIY 54 (C172) 00:28 164 lbs vor 1 Woche | 25.Aug
DLH 14002 LDDU LGAV 124 (AIRB) 01:22 19,860 lbs vor 1 Woche | 25.Aug
DLH 45303 KOMA KMSP 120 (AIRL) 00:38 4,623 lbs vor 2 Wochen | 25.Aug
DLH 8327 EDDB EDDM 124 (AIRB) 00:54 5,594 lbs vor 2 Wochen | 24.Aug
DLH 39241 NZKT NZKK 54 (C172) 00:20 65 lbs vor 2 Wochen | 24.Aug
DLH 9466 TNCM TTPP 124 (AIRB) 01:20 8,888 lbs vor 2 Wochen | 20.Aug
DLH 40737 EFHK EFKU 124 (AIRB) 00:39 3,546 lbs vor 2 Wochen | 20.Aug
DLH 61476 KSAT MMMY 127 (A320) 00:47 4,468 lbs vor 2 Wochen | 19.Aug
DLH 17002 LSGG LFML 124 (AIRB) 00:38 3,618 lbs vor 2 Wochen | 19.Aug
DLH 39240 NZWR NZKT 54 (C172) 00:29 83 lbs vor 3 Wochen | 17.Aug
DLH 9647 MDPC TNCM 120 (AIRL) 01:05 1,269 lbs vor 3 Wochen | 17.Aug
DLH 350704 EFMA EFHK 127 (A320) 00:41 5,297 lbs vor 3 Wochen | 17.Aug
DLH 7583 LOWS EDDK 120 (AIRL) 01:09 1,312 lbs vor 3 Wochen | 15.Aug
DLH 45082 MUCU MDPC 120 (AIRL) 01:07 7,536 lbs vor 3 Wochen | 14.Aug
DLH 13367 TAPA TFFR 54 (C172) 00:24 70 lbs vor 3 Wochen | 11.Aug
DLH 5486 EDDL EDNY 127 (A320) 00:48 4,672 lbs vor 3 Wochen | 11.Aug
DLH 27086 TKPK TAPA 54 (C172) 00:23 64 lbs vor 4 Wochen | 10.Aug
DLH 350703 ESKN EFMA 124 (AIRB) 00:32 3,605 lbs vor 4 Wochen | 10.Aug
DLH 17421 EDDV EDDL 124 (AIRB) 00:29 3,377 lbs vor 1 Monat | 07.Aug
DLH 60699 TNCS TKPK 54 (C172) 00:27 85 lbs vor 1 Monat | 05.Aug
DLH 61475 KDAL KSAT 124 (AIRB) 00:44 5,272 lbs vor 1 Monat | 05.Aug
DLH 60934 ESGG ESKN 127 (A320) 00:32 3,245 lbs vor 1 Monat | 04.Aug
DLH 61474 KROW KDAL 127 (A320) 01:10 7,365 lbs vor 1 Monat | 04.Aug
DLH 34002 EDDF EDDV 124 (AIRB) 00:35 4,223 lbs vor 1 Monat | 03.Aug
DLH 45302 KRCA KOMA 120 (AIRL) 00:49 6,201 lbs vor 1 Monat | 03.Aug
DLH 5499 EDDM EDDF 124 (AIRB) 00:38 4,699 lbs vor 1 Monat | 31.Jul
DLH 7559 LFSB EDDM 124 (AIRB) 00:42 5,252 lbs vor 1 Monat | 30.Jul
DLH 45301 KDEN KRCA 124 (AIRB) 00:52 5,850 lbs vor 1 Monat | 30.Jul
DLH 45300 KMUO KDEN 124 (AIRB) 01:47 6,612 lbs vor 1 Monat | 28.Jul
DLH 45081 MYNN MUCU 28 (BOEI) 00:57 12,971 lbs vor 1 Monat | 28.Jul
DLH 21306 EDDN LSGG 127 (A320) 00:59 6,465 lbs vor 1 Monat | 27.Jul
DLH 45080 KJAX MYNN 28 (BOEI) 01:00 12,738 lbs vor 1 Monat | 26.Jul
DLH 45316 KDMA KROW 139 (BOEI) 01:00 6,599 lbs vor 1 Monat | 22.Jul
Aktuelle Touren 70 
Tour Details Legs
around swiss tour around swiss tour
Distanz: 2041 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted. FSX pilots use LSAZ instead of LSGR for the leg 17 and 18
5 / 38
⌀ 53 nmi / Leg
LSPV    LSZL 63 nmi    00:34
Hellas-Prop Hellas-Prop
Distanz: 2237 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
21 / 40
⌀ 55 nmi / Leg
LGPL    LGSR 45 nmi    00:29
New Zealandtour New Zealandtour
Distanz: 2794 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
29 / 45
⌀ 62 nmi / Leg
NZGB    NZTG 93 nmi    00:44
Powerof3 Powerof3
Distanz: 19357 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
43 / 66
⌀ 293 nmi / Leg
KSTL    KBNA 236 nmi    00:50
Eagleflight Eagleflight
Distanz: 43355 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
7 / 193
⌀ 224 nmi / Leg
KPDX    KLMT 209 nmi    00:46
HELI to the Snow HELI to the Snow
Distanz: 3872 nmi
For this tour only HELICOPTER aircraft will be accepted.
33 / 59
⌀ 65 nmi / Leg
KOTH    KONP 70 nmi    00:37
Brasilientour Brasilientour
Distanz: 21347 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
4 / 29
⌀ 736 nmi / Leg
SBFL    SBCG 547 nmi    01:37
Proptour Orientflights Proptour Orientflights
Distanz: 11786 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
2 / 104
⌀ 113 nmi / Leg
LSZH    LIMC 110 nmi    00:50
LHEurope LHEurope
Distanz: 83341 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
11 / 200
⌀ 416 nmi / Leg
EDDF    LOWW 334 nmi    01:05
Americanway Americanway
Distanz: 10566 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
17 / 39
⌀ 270 nmi / Leg
MMGL    MMAA 303 nmi    01:51
FlyWings FlyWings
Distanz: 30419 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
5 / 81
⌀ 375 nmi / Leg
LGAV    LCLK 502 nmi    01:30
Toptour Toptour
Distanz: 22263 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
54 / 76
⌀ 292 nmi / Leg
TTPP    TNCA 523 nmi    01:33
CityTour24 CityTour24
Distanz: 8146 nmi
Jet and Prop
11 / 38
⌀ 214 nmi / Leg
EFKU    ESPA 212 nmi    00:32
Airberlin-Tour Airberlin-Tour
Distanz: 21340 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
20 / 100
⌀ 213 nmi / Leg
LFML    LEPA 258 nmi    00:54
Hansatour Hansatour
Distanz: 30173 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
12 / 105
⌀ 287 nmi / Leg
EDDK    LSGG 281 nmi    00:57
Prop-Caribbean Prop-Caribbean
Distanz: 10646 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
4 / 102
⌀ 104 nmi / Leg
TFFR    TFFF 105 nmi    00:48
Germanshuttle Germanshuttle
Distanz: 9752 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
10 / 55
⌀ 177 nmi / Leg
EDNY    EDDW 324 nmi    01:03
Flamencotour Prop Flamencotour Prop
Distanz: 2704 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
19 / 33
⌀ 81 nmi / Leg
LPPR    LEST 100 nmi    00:46
Boardingtour Boardingtour
Distanz: 16966 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
7 / 90
⌀ 188 nmi / Leg
LEGE    LEBB 264 nmi    00:54
Nightflight Nightflight
Distanz: 25044 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
20 / 109
⌀ 229 nmi / Leg
EDDB    LOWI 319 nmi    01:03
Made in Germany Tour Made in Germany Tour
Distanz: 6305 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
81 / 88
⌀ 71 nmi / Leg
EDQT    EDDT 184 nmi    01:13
Heli over Norway Heli over Norway
Distanz: 2162 nmi
For this tour only HELICOPTER aircraft will be accepted.
12 / 51
⌀ 42 nmi / Leg
ESIB    ESOK 64 nmi    00:35
Westcosttour Westcosttour
Distanz: 20626 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
11 / 44
⌀ 468 nmi / Leg
SVMI    SKCG 503 nmi    01:30
JET Fly  Germany JET Fly Germany
Distanz: 8126 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
10 / 42
⌀ 193 nmi / Leg
LSZH    LOWI 114 nmi    00:32
Wildwesttour 2018 Wildwesttour 2018
Distanz: 11180 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
8 / 30
⌀ 372 nmi / Leg
KIDA    CYLW 489 nmi    01:28
PROP Fly to Capetown PROP Fly to Capetown
Distanz: 13152 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
2 / 95
⌀ 138 nmi / Leg
EDFH    EDDS 108 nmi    00:49
PROP Fly to Danzig PROP Fly to Danzig
Distanz: 5195 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
1 / 60
⌀ 86 nmi / Leg
OIMN    OIMM 135 nmi    00:58
TanteJu tour 21 TanteJu tour 21
Distanz: 1230 nmi
For this tour only JU52 aircraft will be accepted.
8 / 23
⌀ 53 nmi / Leg
MTPX    MYIG 78 nmi    00:39
SunFunTour SunFunTour
Distanz: 7565 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
47 / 78
⌀ 96 nmi / Leg
SVBC    SVMI 139 nmi    00:59
EliteHeliTours EliteHeliTours
Distanz: 3595 nmi
For this tour only HELICOPTER aircraft will be accepted.
3 / 75
⌀ 47 nmi / Leg
LIMZ    LIME 111 nmi    00:50
Propellertour 2023 Propellertour 2023
Distanz: 16149 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
11 / 190
⌀ 84 nmi / Leg
OIAA    OIBB 161 nmi    01:06
Globetrotter Tour 2018 Globetrotter Tour 2018
Distanz: 51170 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
2 / 157
⌀ 325 nmi / Leg
CYVR    PAJN 680 nmi    01:57
Caribbean-HELI Caribbean-HELI
Distanz: 3786 nmi
For this tour only Helicopter aircraft will be accepted.
20 / 54
⌀ 70 nmi / Leg
MDPP    MTCH 92 nmi    00:44
Prop FlySpain Prop FlySpain
Distanz: 6511 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
4 / 76
⌀ 85 nmi / Leg
LPFR    LPOT 133 nmi    00:57
Sushitour 2018 Sushitour 2018
Distanz: 12446 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
6 / 31
⌀ 401 nmi / Leg
ZSSS    RODN 446 nmi    01:21
Int-Helitour Int-Helitour
Distanz: 1635 nmi
For this tour only Helicopter aircraft will be accepted.
30 / 46
⌀ 35 nmi / Leg
KCRP    KRND 113 nmi    00:51
Sunshinetour Sunshinetour
Distanz: 9450 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
13 / 42
⌀ 225 nmi / Leg
MGGT    MGTK 145 nmi    00:36
Kangaroo-tour Kangaroo-tour
Distanz: 4474 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
15 / 40
⌀ 111 nmi / Leg
YAMB    YSTW 228 nmi    01:28
Bavaria Proptour Bavaria Proptour
Distanz: 3034 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
9 / 38
⌀ 79 nmi / Leg
EDDN    LKKV 83 nmi    00:41
Mysterytour Mysterytour
Distanz: 2579 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
15 / 33
⌀ 78 nmi / Leg
EGEN    EGPO 139 nmi    00:59
Fly-Prop-Tour 23 Fly-Prop-Tour 23
Distanz: 8017 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
2 / 122
⌀ 65 nmi / Leg
LICJ    LICC 103 nmi    00:48
Mountaintour Mountaintour
Distanz: 9516 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
11 / 153
⌀ 62 nmi / Leg
LSTS    LSGG 56 nmi    00:33
103city 103city
Distanz: 6477 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
15 / 103
⌀ 62 nmi / Leg
LGKZ    LGTS 54 nmi    00:31
HELI-tour V.2 HELI-tour V.2
Distanz: 18053 nmi
For this tour only HELICOPTER aircraft will be accepted.
6 / 243
⌀ 74 nmi / Leg
EDCP    EKRK 103 nmi    00:48
Prop-Worldtour Etappe1 Prop-Worldtour Etappe1
Distanz: 8156 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
6 / 79
⌀ 103 nmi / Leg
EDHL    EDCG 98 nmi    00:46
American-Way American-Way
Distanz: 11029 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
91 / 150
⌀ 73 nmi / Leg
KSAN    KCGZ 274 nmi    01:42
Funflight Funflight
Distanz: 7193 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
2 / 69
⌀ 104 nmi / Leg
LSGK    LFQB 171 nmi    01:09
Best-Prop-Pilot Worldtour Best-Prop-Pilot Worldtour
Distanz: 124617 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
9 / 825
⌀ 151 nmi / Leg
LFRE    LFBH 82 nmi    00:40
Tickettour Tickettour
Distanz: 19457 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
29 / 244
⌀ 79 nmi / Leg
LFRH    LFRZ 59 nmi    00:33
Alaska to Sun Alaska to Sun
Distanz: 3237 nmi
For this tour only PROPELLER aircraft will be accepted.
3 / 47
⌀ 68 nmi / Leg
PACV    PAYA 184 nmi    01:13
Alaska Proptour 2018 Alaska Proptour 2018
Distanz: 9827 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
6 / 70
⌀ 140 nmi / Leg
CYXJ    CYYE 167 nmi    01:08
German Helitour German Helitour
Distanz: 2130 nmi
For this tour only Helicopter aircraft will be accepted.
1 / 62
⌀ 34 nmi / Leg
LIMG    LIMS 86 nmi    00:42
LidoTour LidoTour
Distanz: 3644 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
3 / 53
⌀ 68 nmi / Leg
LFQQ    LFQA 91 nmi    00:43
Turkey-Suntour Turkey-Suntour
Distanz: 3651 nmi
For this tour only PROPELLER aircraft will be accepted.
2 / 49
⌀ 74 nmi / Leg
LTAF    LTFG 149 nmi    01:03
Wings-tour Wings-tour
Distanz: 5728 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
23 / 73
⌀ 78 nmi / Leg
EYPA    EYSA 77 nmi    00:39
Eurotrip Eurotrip
Distanz: 11453 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
3 / 46
⌀ 248 nmi / Leg
LFPG    LESU 403 nmi    01:15
Prop Vino-Tour Prop Vino-Tour
Distanz: 4000 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
1 / 56
⌀ 71 nmi / Leg
LICC    LICD 167 nmi    01:08
Afrika-Proptour Afrika-Proptour
Distanz: 28354 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
6 / 180
⌀ 157 nmi / Leg
FYKT    FYLZ 154 nmi    01:04
Euroflight Euroflight
Distanz: 11546 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
1 / 48
⌀ 240 nmi / Leg
LIME    LPFR 947 nmi    02:37
Shuttletime Shuttletime
Distanz: 85292 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
6 / 34
⌀ 2508 nmi / Leg
EIDW    HEGN 2365 nmi    06:09
Papua New Guinea Prop Tour Papua New Guinea Prop Tour
Distanz: 2043 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
7 / 20
⌀ 102 nmi / Leg
AYMD    AYWK 160 nmi    01:06
Powertour Powertour
Distanz: 19597 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
3 / 72
⌀ 272 nmi / Leg
EIDW    EHAM 405 nmi    01:15
Aviationtour Aviationtour
Distanz: 40292 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
16 / 164
⌀ 245 nmi / Leg
EDDB    LOWI 319 nmi    01:03
Around The World Tour 2017 Around The World Tour 2017
Distanz: 44131 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
28 / 186
⌀ 237 nmi / Leg
SBBE    SOCA 439 nmi    01:21
Fenix Release-Tour Fenix Release-Tour
Distanz: 5143 nmi
For this tour only A320 Fenix or Fbw aircraft will be accepted.
2 / 16
⌀ 321 nmi / Leg
LPPT    DAAG 599 nmi    01:45
FSCloud-tour FSCloud-tour
Distanz: 26063 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
15 / 99
⌀ 263 nmi / Leg
EKBI    ESSA 366 nmi    01:09
Propcycletour Propcycletour
Distanz: 14223 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
6 / 173
⌀ 82 nmi / Leg
WATE    WADW 94 nmi    00:45
Expedition Expedition
Distanz: 5230 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
4 / 72
⌀ 72 nmi / Leg
ENBV    ENHV 60 nmi    00:34
Japan Deluxe Japan Deluxe
Distanz: 5440 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
11 / 79
⌀ 68 nmi / Leg
RJOS    RJNG 135 nmi    00:58
AmazonasTour AmazonasTour
Distanz: 4325 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
3 / 19
⌀ 227 nmi / Leg
SBEG    SBSN 318 nmi    01:56
Abgeschlossene Touren 34 
Tour Details Legs
Proptour V.36 Proptour V.36
Distanz: 559 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
8 / 8
⌀ 69 nmi / Leg
Germantour Germantour
Distanz: 7660 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
41 / 41
⌀ 186 nmi / Leg
Prop-Tour V30 Prop-Tour V30
Distanz: 449 nmi
Every first Sunday of the monthFor this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
8 / 8
⌀ 56 nmi / Leg
Propday V40 Propday V40
Distanz: 470 nmi
04.02.24 Start 14 Uhr
7 / 7
⌀ 67 nmi / Leg
Jettour V.34 Jettour V.34
Distanz: 988 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
5 / 5
⌀ 197 nmi / Leg
Jet-Day V.35 Jet-Day V.35
Distanz: 1080 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
5 / 5
⌀ 216 nmi / Leg
ProptourV32 ProptourV32
Distanz: 540 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
6 / 6
⌀ 90 nmi / Leg
5Jahre -VA-Prop 5Jahre -VA-Prop
Distanz: 449 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
7 / 7
⌀ 64 nmi / Leg
Propday V.38 Propday V.38
Distanz: 455 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
9 / 9
⌀ 50 nmi / Leg
Proptour V.39 Bora-Bora Proptour V.39 Bora-Bora
Distanz: 503 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
5 / 5
⌀ 100 nmi / Leg
7.jahreVA 7.jahreVA
Distanz: 1159 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
7 / 7
⌀ 165 nmi / Leg
Caribbean-prop Caribbean-prop
Distanz: 593 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
8 / 8
⌀ 74 nmi / Leg
Distanz: 537 nmi
For this tour only HELICOPTER aircraft will be accepted.
10 / 10
⌀ 53 nmi / Leg
Jetday V.28 Jetday V.28
Distanz: 789 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
5 / 5
⌀ 157 nmi / Leg
Proptour V.27 Proptour V.27
Distanz: 437 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
9 / 9
⌀ 48 nmi / Leg
Laudatour Laudatour
Distanz: 773 nmi
Every first Sunday of the monthJETDay Niki Lauda Gedenktour The last Flight for Niki
6 / 6
⌀ 128 nmi / Leg
American-Proptour American-Proptour
Distanz: 2809 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
52 / 52
⌀ 54 nmi / Leg
Groupflight JET V7 Groupflight JET V7
Distanz: 1211 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
5 / 5
⌀ 242 nmi / Leg
HELI-tour V.1 HELI-tour V.1
Distanz: 424 nmi
For this tour only HELICOPTER aircraft will be accepted.
17 / 17
⌀ 24 nmi / Leg
Caribbeanprop Caribbeanprop
Distanz: 550 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
9 / 9
⌀ 61 nmi / Leg
Inselhopping Inselhopping
Distanz: 959 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
36 / 36
⌀ 26 nmi / Leg
Europe Tour 2018 Europe Tour 2018
Distanz: 7105 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
21 / 21
⌀ 338 nmi / Leg
Distanz: 1461 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
31 / 31
⌀ 47 nmi / Leg
Jetday V16 Jetday V16
Distanz: 1010 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
5 / 5
⌀ 202 nmi / Leg
Germantour Prop Germantour Prop
Distanz: 2544 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
30 / 30
⌀ 84 nmi / Leg
Proptour V11 Proptour V11
Distanz: 637 nmi
Every first Sunday of the monthFor this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
8 / 8
⌀ 79 nmi / Leg
Proptour V.29 Proptour V.29
Distanz: 451 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
7 / 7
⌀ 64 nmi / Leg
Propday V8 Propday V8
Distanz: 631 nmi
For this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
6 / 6
⌀ 105 nmi / Leg
Propday V6  Kanaren Propday V6 Kanaren
Distanz: 550 nmi
Every first Sunday of the monthFor this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
9 / 9
⌀ 61 nmi / Leg
Propday V5 Karibik Propday V5 Karibik
Distanz: 532 nmi
Every first Sunday of the monthFor this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
8 / 8
⌀ 66 nmi / Leg
Germanday V4 Germanday V4
Distanz: 1152 nmi
Every first Sunday of the monthJETDay
7 / 7
⌀ 164 nmi / Leg
PROPday V2 PROPday V2
Distanz: 698 nmi
Every first Sunday of the monthFor this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
8 / 8
⌀ 87 nmi / Leg
Distanz: 631 nmi
Every first Sunday of the monthFor this tour only propeller aircraft will be accepted.
7 / 7
⌀ 90 nmi / Leg
2Jahre-VA 2Jahre-VA
Distanz: 991 nmi
Keine Beschränkungen
5 / 5
⌀ 198 nmi / Leg